Advocate & Solicitor, Singapore
Attorney & Counselor at Law, New York State
Certified Information Privacy Technologist, IAPP
Yvonne Lee
Ms Yvonne Lee graduated with a Bachelor of Laws from the National University of Singapore in 1996, amongst the top 10% for 2nd, 3rd and 4th years in the Faculty of Law. She obtained her Master of Laws (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) in 2003. She is currently admitted to the Singapore Bar and New York State Bar as Advocate & Solicitor, and Attorney & Counselor at Law respectively.
Ms Lee has a unique blend and wealth of private practice, government, in-house and academic experience of more than 25 years. She adopts a cross-disciplinary and contextualised business and legal approach, which has allowed her private practice and inhouse clients to reach cost effective solutions, swiftly and safely.
Her areas of expertise include corporate law; cross border acquisitions, joint ventures & investments; debt & asset financing; sale & purchases and commercial leases; financial and telecommunications regulatory compliance & licensing; data acquisition; intellectual property management; data protection & cybersecurity; software & technology; domestic and international procurement and vendor management; anti-corruption, anti-money laundering protocols; employment contracts & policies; contentious dispute negotiation & settlement; and ethics & integrity related investigations.
Ms Lee’s wealth of experience in corporate matters complements the litigation work of our team, and enhances our capacities to develop wholistic solutions for clients whether in structuring exercises or dispute resolutions.
Ms Lee has spearheaded corporate, financial regulatory and compliance practices, and commercial & financial portfolios. She previously held key inhouse legal roles at corporations such as Temasek Holdings (government owned investment entity), Singapore Power (government owned utilities entity with cross border stakeholdings and operations); Defence Science & Technology Agency (under Singapore’s Ministry of Defence); SingEx Holdings (nka. Consteller) (MICE with specific focus on digitalisation of events and conferences, such as Singapore’s FinTech festivals); TPG Telecom (nka., Simba) (Singapore’s 4th licensed telco entity); Blackberry (consumer platform social media and e-commerce) and Integrated Health Information System (nka. Synapxe) (Singapore’s national health-tech agency). She was a full-time and adjunct law academic at the National University of Singapore (company law, constitutional law, sovereign wealth funds, and government regulations – law, policy and practice in selected areas such as financial markets, healthcare and real property), and held various academic positions such as Deputy Chief Editor, Singapore Journal of Legal Studies and Secretariat member of Asian Law Institute. She was also the chairperson and independent director of Orchard ILS, a special purpose reinsurance vehicle licensed by Singapore’s Monetary Authroity which issued AUD75M catastrophe bond notes, with Insurance Austalia Group as the sponsor.
- Advocate & Solicitor, Singapore
- Attorney & Counselor at Law, New York State
- Member, Law Society of Singapore
- Member, Singapore Academy of Law
- Member, Inquiry Panel (Disciplinary) (Supreme Court, Singapore) (2022 – 2024)
- Independent Director, Orchard ILS (MAS licensed reinsurance SPV, Insurance Australia Group as Sponsor) (2019 – 2020)
- Singapore Academy of Law, Speaker/Trainer (2015-2021) on practical compliance with data protection regulations
- Speaker, Singapore’s Securities Future Act & Deferred Prosecution Agreements, Attorney General Chambers Academy, seminar (2015)
- Joint Author, “Singapore Chapter” in Paul Dickson of Slaughter & May ed., Asset Management Review (Law Business Research Ltd, 2015)
- “The Politics of Sovereign Wealth Funds: Benign Investors or Smoking Guns” in The Politics of International Economic Law (Cambridge University Press, 2011)
- Sovereign Wealth Funds 2009: Panelist (Global Government Finance Summit Singapore); and publication (Central Banking Publications)
- “A Reversal of Neo-Colonialism: The Pitfalls and Prospects of Sovereign Wealth Funds” (2009): Invited Speaker (Published Author) at (a) The Politics of International Economic Law: The Next Four Years, American Society of International Law and Sovereign Wealth Funds Symposium by Georgetown Journal of International Law
- Joint author, “Constitutional Supremacy: Still A Little Dicey?” in Evolution of A Revolution:40 Years of The Singapore Constitution (2008)
- “The Corporate Rule of Law: Singapore & Securities Regulators”, (2007) 3(2) The Corporate Governance Law Review 225
- “Under Lock and Key: The Evolving Role of the Elected President as a Fiscal Guardian”, [2007] Singapore Journal Legal Studies 290
- “The Elusive Concept of ‘Materiality’ under US Federal Securities Law”, 40 Willamette L. Rev. 661 (2004)